The Wandering Soul

Don't mind me. I'm just trying to find my calling here in the vast internet.

Tossing around another writing idea.

I realize that my current writing focus is on Pokémon: the Illusionist, but while I was laying in my bed in thought, I started to think of something else. Something not Pokémon related, or anything related for that matter. A straight up original story, with people.

The title for this idea is Craft.

Again, my problem is with names, but I’ll eventually get that sorted out. If I decide to run with this idea.

Anyway, the idea for this one is the main character, a guy in his early twenties and attending college, is at a loss. He has nightmares from time to time, and he realizes one day that part of his mind is stuck in the past. The only way to calm the feelings is to utilize his craft; drawing. On books, on paper, on desks… anything. One day while going about and managing his entries on his favorite art website , the non-copyright-infringing creativeWORKS (or I could do dA…), a user catches his attention. She claims that his works seem familiar somehow. A few conversations later, they became friends. However, he doesn’t know that the cyber-friendship could lead to him tearing himself apart. It could send him back to the depression he suffered when he was younger as memories of his past, and a few in particular, begin to resurface for some reason. And it could change the rest of his life.

I also have a cover planned already.

So, yeah. Any comments about it? Interested at all? It was just a simple idea, but I could build on it. The main problems I'm having with it are names (of course) and point of view. I might switch it up from my first-person in the Illusionist to third in this one.

I don’t know. It's still in it's baby stages.




Stay awesome,


Oh hey wow that's 10.

Never would I have thought that I would be mildly entertaining. However, it seems as though I couldn't be more wrong.

10 subcribers... Wow. I don't know what to say. This is more than I had in flipnote. A lot more. I mean, the most I had there was three. Maybe four. Ended with a dead account, but that's beside the point. 

The point is that you all are so freaking awesome. The fact that I'm now in the double didgets... Oh my god, seriously. Thank you. Thank you all. Really.

And here's a list of all you awesome people: id:VoidEnigmaid:Oreckid:cp_rocksid:CometShardid:Crazy-Arceusid:Bird_of_Yoreid:MissMouseyid:johncuttingid:bloodsisters4ever , And last but most cirtenly not least, id:ImHated for being the #10.


Again, thank you all!





Stay awesome (seriously),







ps: I've been hanging out on Haiku recently. So yeah.


Edit 7/8/2013: Oh jeez. 12 now? Seriously? Again, I'm gobsmacked. I'm at a loss for words.

Well, let's give a hand to id:HazardousMenace74  and id:Katrachita as well, so they don't feel left out in my big thanking of everyone.

Chances are that I'll probably edit this as time goes on and as I get more subscribers, because you guys are all awesome. :D

Coding for the little youtube player.


It has come to my attention that the player isn't working the same in different blog themes. But I have found a solution. It seems that the only thing that may need changing is the line, "<div style="position:absolute;top:-285px;left:-5px">" I suggest fiddling around with the first number, the -285, in small incriments and see what works and what doesn't. I appologise for any confusion, and if this occurs in you're page, I will help you fix it if you want.


So some of you were wondering how I got that little YouTube player. If you haven't seen it, look left. Yeah. There it it. Right now it's playing "Toe to Toe" by Streetlight Manifesto. 

Anyway, here it is. With some instructions on how to set it up.


Alright. So first, you need to open the design settings, which I'm sure most of you figured out how to do by now. Now go under "customize." There, you'll see things like Background, Background Color, etc. To get it like mine, go under sidebar. Then click "Add module." Go to the one that says HTML.


Now that you got that set up, on to the actual code. All you have to do is copy and paste this either right into the HTML dialog box, or onto a word processor of some sort, like notepad or Microsoft Word. Anyway, delete ONLY THE PARTS IN BOLD and replace them accordingly. There will be gaps, but from my little tests, they shouldn't effect anything. So yeah. Here you go.



<p><center><span style="font-size: 75%;"><i>The name of the song that you want people to see</span></i></center></p>

<div style="position:relative;width:200px;height:21px;overflow:hidden;">

  <div style="position:absolute;top:-285px;left:-5px">

    <iframe width="235" height="300" 

      src=" Video ID (which is that little bit on the URL after watch?v=)">






 If you have any questions about it I'll gladly help.





Stay awesome;



Forgot how to blog for a bit there. My appologies. The only problem is... I haven't a clue what to blog about. See, when I think of the word "blog," I think of a nice wall of text that has a lot of content about... something. 

And I don't have a something.

Well, I kind of do. I mean, I could rant about a few things. I feel as though everyone could. The problem is that the things I would rant about would make people feel all sad after reading it. And I don't want to make you feel sad. 

So here I sit, contemplating what I could talk to you kind people about. 


[contemplation space]


Well, here's what I've come up with:
1) Chat. Here. I guess. 

2) Ask me some questions, be it about myself or something else. Don't be intimidated by the deep questions, just ask me something. If you want.

3) Post the rant(s) anyway, if you're okay with it.

4) Actually, I have no four. :/




But I'll still tell you to stay awesome;


Things in the sky.

Well, there's one main one that is happening today. And that is the moon. What about it, you ask? Well, simply put, the moon is going to be bigger than normal.

According to PopSci, the moon will not only reach its closest point to Earth for all of 2013, but it will also be a full moon, making it the biggest full moon of the year. People are calling it the "Supermoon." But here's an interesting fact: whenever the moon is this close to the Earth, the changes between tides become greater. That means a lower low tide and a higher high tide. Some unsuspecting ships may become victims of the larger low tide much like what happened two years ago.


But I honestly could care less about that. What I'm looking forward to this year (astronomy-wise) is the comet ISON. It supposedly may become the "comet of the century" after it orbits close to the sun. Its tail may light up the night sky in a spectacular fashion.

That's coming later this year, and it's zenith should be around November 28th of this year.


So grab some binoculares and dust off that telescope. This year, the sky is going to be amazing.





Stay awesome,


If you are reading this, you have survived your entire life up until this point. You have survived traumas, heartbreak, the different phases of life...

And here you are.

You go, person.

You're awesome.