The Wandering Soul

Don't mind me. I'm just trying to find my calling here in the vast internet.


Tossing around another writing idea.

I realize that my current writing focus is on Pokémon: the Illusionist, but while I was laying in my bed in thought, I started to think of something else. Something not Pokémon related, or anything related for that matter. A straight up or…

Pokemon: The Illusionist released.

So yeah. Clicky on this link to go to it. Read you're heart out and such. But if you're not sure whether or not to go and read, here's a plot summary. Cedar had a pretty good life as a Leafeon. He was a berry forager for a local merchant, …

Anyone interested in a story?

Of course you are. This is a blog, after all. However, the story isn't here. It isn't even on the internet. Yet. Well, in relation to the recent addition of the PokéGroup, I've decided to throw out there that I'm in the process of making a…

If you are reading this, you have survived your entire life up until this point. You have survived traumas, heartbreak, the different phases of life...

And here you are.

You go, person.

You're awesome.