The Wandering Soul

Don't mind me. I'm just trying to find my calling here in the vast internet.

Jumbled thoughts.

For the last few days, I haven't been able to think straight. My mind would bounce from one thing to another to another. One moment, I'm thinking about ideas for a drawing, and the next I'm thinking really deep thoughts about life and such…

Final Results for Senior Year.

And the results are in, ladies and gentlemen. Today I got my official final grade report; the same grade report that will be sent to the college that I'm going to. Rather than picking through the various classes and their corresponding gra…

Anyone interested in watching a poor sap draw?


Oh, hey. I'm done. OFFLINE. Don't worry, though. It will happen again. But I will still tell you to stay awesome; -PseudonyM

Some art (not mine), a song, and trolling.

Pretty self explanitory. First up, one of my favorite dA artists drew Talonflame in his epic way that he does things. Seriously. It's pretty freaking epic. Secondly, music. This song has been stuck in my head for DAYS…

Pokemon X and Y

Instead of posting a lot of things in one post, I'll just self-promote my Pokémon-related blog and group. If you must know, my Pokémon page currently contains a lot of info on X and Y, all of it confirmed. So read your hearts out. Stay awe…

This could be...

The best drawing ever drawn ever. That is all. I'm open to chat if you so wish. Stay awesome, -PseudonyM

Oh lookie, art!


Who wants late-night spoiler art?!? Well, in that case, I'll just put this here and... *jumps out window*

Geek-out ahead

I copy-pasted this from my Pokemon-themed blog. We all know that E3 is this week. For those of you who don't know, E3 -- also known as the Electronic Entertainment Expo -- is where all the big game companies go to reveal things. For exampl…

Got a question?

Against my better judgement, I'm doing a little Q and A thing. So ask me something. I'll answer it. Seriously. Ask away. Stay awesome; -PseudonyM

I need a new router.

I am literally about to throw the thing out of a window. The wi-fi's shotty at best, and it crashes more often than a toddler attempting to drive a car. And after it resolves it's issues, it says that I have to close out of my browser so I…

Pokemon: The Illusionist released.

So yeah. Clicky on this link to go to it. Read you're heart out and such. But if you're not sure whether or not to go and read, here's a plot summary. Cedar had a pretty good life as a Leafeon. He was a berry forager for a local merchant, …

Oh dear.

Well, this is displeasing. The bottom screen of my DSi is all cracked. I accidentaly dropped it, and I must have done so one too many times, as it finally decided that it had enough. Here's the pixel casualties. And here's a better look at…

Anyone interested in a story?

Of course you are. This is a blog, after all. However, the story isn't here. It isn't even on the internet. Yet. Well, in relation to the recent addition of the PokéGroup, I've decided to throw out there that I'm in the process of making a…

Another new group?

The Pokégroup. I don't know if a Pokémon-themed group exists yet, but I have made one. Why? Because I can. So go check it out if you so wish. Stay awesome; -PseudonyM

Oh, hey. Flipnote's gone.

My previous blog pretty much sums up my reaction to it, even though it was a bit before they actually shut it down. So now the question remains: What will replace it? It may be true that deviantart is free and all, but the thing is, flipno…

Flipnote. Will I miss it?

The answer to that is somewhat complex, as it is both a yes and a no. I say yes for one reason and one reason only: seeing other people's art and animations. It was always fun to see everything, and up until a week or two ago I made it a p…

Another Blog.

Hey there. The name's Pseudonym. I know, it's pretty ironic, but that's kind of the way I am. Now, this helpful little note is telling me to introduce myslef and say a few things about myself. I don't see a problem with that. If you must k…

If you are reading this, you have survived your entire life up until this point. You have survived traumas, heartbreak, the different phases of life...

And here you are.

You go, person.

You're awesome.