The Wandering Soul

Don't mind me. I'm just trying to find my calling here in the vast internet.

The clock's ticking.

Soon enough, college shall come. In fact, my first day of classes is only (as of 8/21) five days away.

And I'm both nervous and excited.

Let's see... Books are starting to come in for my physics and circuitry classes, my english books I have to buy at the college (which means that they'll be overpriced) and my brother has yet to order his messenger bag that he said he would back in June. 

In case you're wondering, I decided to major in Mecomtronics (or Integrated Engineering Technology). Yes, it is a real thing. And it seems fun to me. Of course, I could change it whenever I want to. But I wouldn't count on that happening. 

Am I ready? God, I hope so. As I said earlier, I'm both nervous and excited. From what I've heard, college is both hard and awesome. One of my friends, who is going to the same college I am, already took some summer classes and she enjoyed it. I'm just hoping I have a similar experience. I've got 16 credit hours going for me this semester, and I have Friday, Saturday, and Sundays off. I'm on campus from 8am to 2pm, and have night classes on Tuesday and Thursday from 6 to 10. Parking is going to be a pain as the geniuses have yet to decide to build a parking garage. My mom has to go to work, my little brother has to go to school, and my other brother and I have to get to college and there's only one car. 

This is going to be an interesting few months.


ALSO! Mark your calendars, folks. On Saturday, August 24 at 9:30pm (a bit earlier than usual), I will be streaming yet again. This time, to commemorate my last Saturday of "freedom." Planning on watching? Or maybe you want a different time to see what the hype is about. Feel free to tell me in the comments. 


Hey, at least I gave you more of a heads up this time.



Also, have a flying cyber-zombie narwhal.






Stay awesome,



Step one in a potentially long journey maybe. (And an update)

So, I did something today that I may or may not regret. Like seriously. It was not only wayyy out of my comfort zone, but I was panicking nearly the entire time.


I'm just never really that spontaneous and I don't know what got into me that caused me to...

Bah. Maybe it's because of the fact that she, in all likeliness, will never see it. But still, there's always a chance... it's a start I guess for me becoming less of a "panic about everything that may or may not put you in an uncomfortable situation that you don't know how to handle and would just make you want to jump out a window in order to avoid said situation" type of person. Maybe.


But chances are that it will never be seen and/or acknowledged. 


But I still want to hide in a box.




On a completely different note, I realized that I haven't had much to post about. But there have been a few things that have happened in my life. So, without further adieu, here's a nice update about my life.



-- Good news: I got a job and am earning an actual income. Bad news: For one, it's in a warehouse, so I'm working my ass off six days a week from 7 am to 3:30 pm. Also, I learned just how much books are going to cost for college. Let me just say "there goes my 3DS money that I will earn from this job." Yeah. It's a lot. 


-- In relation to the above thing, any further streams will be on a Saturday night, as I'm off on Sunday and can thus stay up late.


-- I've been on an MCR kick lately. Don't know why. It just happened. And I can't get enough of them.


-- I've been doodling a lot more as well. Who knows, maybe I'll post a thing or two here.




And that's about it I guess. 





Stay awesome,





P.S: Changed the music on the side again to a song that has one of the most epic intros ever.


Streaming over AGAIN.

Something happened.


Something that made me laugh the entire time I was drawing it.


And that something looks like this:



Yes. It's a squirtle eating a banana. Because I can. And it's awesome.

True, that isn't the only thing I got done during the stream, but it was definitely the most noteworthy.




I feel sorry for you that you couldn't make it for whatever reason.



Stay awesome,


Guess what time it is??

If you guessed Adventure Time, you're wrong. As of 1:40-something am CDT, you'd be right, as the stream is complete. 

I don't have anything to show for it this time around, as I got tired and a tad emotional towards the end there. 

But it's good to get those sorts of things off my chest.


Feel free to watch the nearly four-hour stream, or any of the others, at the usual place.





Stay awesome,


It's official.


I am now a college student. I have registered for all my classes and my schedule fine-tuned. Got 16 credit-hours going for me for the semester.


And it all starts on August 26.


I surprised myself, too. I feel totally ready for this. I thought I was going to be a panicky wreck but instead I'm going in there with the utmost confidence. Perhaps it's because two of my cousins are already in college and I see them a lot. Or maybe it's because I know that my brother is tagging along as well. In any case, I am officially a college student.


Unless you think that I'm not until I start going to classes. In which case, I become one in a little over a month.




Also, while I'm still typing a thing, I've got a few things to say.


> Firstly, the internet has been spotty all week, which explains my absence from practically everything. I don't know when it will be back to normal, so the stream that I said would be on Friday is up to question. Consider it delayed until further notice.


>Staying on the subject of streams, I know I asked this once before, but is there anyone else out there interested in watching this poor sap attempt to art? If so, I would like to know when you're open to watch me. I realize that the past few have been late (depending on what time zone you live in), so some may have missed out. I can and am perfectly willing to move times if need be. If not, I'll just keep doing late-night fiascos. Fun.


> Giant electromagnet. I'm waking up at four in the morning to see it. Yeah. I'm cool.






Stay awesome,


If you are reading this, you have survived your entire life up until this point. You have survived traumas, heartbreak, the different phases of life...

And here you are.

You go, person.

You're awesome.